The Experimental and Theoretical Organic Synthesis (ETOS) group at Aalto University, Finland is led by Assistant Professor Juha Siitonen. We work on leveraging computational and biosynthetic insights to develop ultra-short total syntheses, new synthetic methods and useful next-generation software tools.
The ultimate goal of the research is to simplify the synthesis of highly complex polycyclic targets into ideal syntheses <5 steps long. In particular, we are interested in the synthesis of rare and structurally unique trace alkaloids. Our work on education focuses on inclusive pedagogy in higher education as well as on the development of engaging STEAM-outreach experiences.
We are currently located at the BioScience Research Collaborative building at Rice University, Houston, TX, working in close collaboration with Prof. László Kürti. In early 2022 the research group will relocate to Aalto University, Finland where Juha will start as an Assistant Professor.
Masters projects available!
We currently have several vacancies for master’s level projects on theoretical and experimental organic chemistry. If you are interested and want to develop your skills in organic synthesis and computational chemistry, you can contact Juha for further details. The projects would start in early 2022.
Latest research highlights
Total Synthesis of Setigerumine I
Anavi achieved a biomimetic total synthesis of (±)-Setigerumine I which also proved our proposed biosynthetic hypothesis. This work marks the first total synthesis of the elusive Papavericae isoxazolidine family alkaloids, which have remained elusive since 1990s.